Tuesday, October 21, 2008

"Hello peoples. It's me Doddu."

Hello dear peoples & friends of Great Sawmiji Talontino. This is myself, Doddu. Swamiji’s personal chela & bestest friend. Do not be worrying yourself & wondering why I am here instead of Swamiji. He is out of station making attendance at World Meeting of ‘Nails As Tough Swamis’. He told me, “Doddu. I am not here.” I very confused then. Because he standing in front was. But then he said, “Doddu. I going to Nakhoonpur for World Conference. Talk to peoples & my friendships from blog. Say hello from my end & yours also.” So it is me, I want to be friendships with you also. So Swamiji & me making this video to know you me better. Please to be seeing. Bye bye for now. Nice to be meeting you nice nice peoples.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I am back!

Welcome to all you people once more again. If you were wonder where I am gone. I was just devoted myself to learning English language. Hehe. Yes Yes, now I can walk English, I can talk English, because English is a very funny language. Jokes aside I have now got my video in English also and I am adding here for all you to see it. Please let me to know if you like it or if you not. I am happy to be now using my talent in English also. Bye bye and hoping to see you next time too also. Now I have to go because Doddu will finish my lunch otherwise. Hehe. Enjoy yourself.